These Fast-Growing Trees Require Routine Trimming

How often does a tree need to be trimmed? Homeowners often ask this question, but the answer is not as cut and dry as you might hope. Some trees can go decades without trimming. Others need to be trimmed more often — maybe even every year. It's important to identify any fast-growing trees in your yard so you can keep up with their trimming needs. The following are some of the most common fast-growing trees that need to be trimmed more often.

Lombardy Poplar

Lombardy poplar trees are known for their tall, cylindrical shape. As such, they tend to work well for forming tree breaks and natural fences. Most people want their tree breaks to look neat and tidy, and to achieve that look, you need to have your Lombardy poplars trimmed at least yearly. Otherwise, they start to look overly shaggy, and those long, shaggy branches may start breaking.

Weeping Willows

Weeping willows are a type of willow named for their long tendrils. These tendrils swing in the breeze and look pretty — but they do need to be trimmed pretty often. If you don't have a weeping willow trimmed routinely, the tendrils can drag on the ground and develop fungal infections that spread up the tree. An experienced trimmer will trim the willow's branches in a way that allows the tendrils to grow longer without hitting the ground.

Red Maples

Red maple trees can be incredibly beautiful. They are faster-growing than many hardwood trees, so they need to be trimmed more often. Routine trimming will help ensure your red maple maintains a healthy shape and develops a nice, shady canopy as it grows. You want the maple tree to grow evenly when it is young so your trimmer does not have to do corrective work later on.


Redwood trees are known for their incredible size and thickness. Eventually, you will be able to leave the redwood alone and trim it on occasion. But when your redwood is young, it will grow pretty fast, and you'll want to have it trimmed yearly. It is easier for a trimmer to remove problematic or overlapping branches when they are younger and thinner, rather than waiting for them to get thicker a few years down the road.

If you have any of the above trees in your yard, have them trimmed more frequently. Talk to a tree trimming company in your area for more advice. 
