5 Tree Pruning Mistakes That Can Kill a Tree

Improper pruning can cause a healthy but overgrown tree to quickly suffer and decline. Although it's important to know how to properly prune a tree, it's also important to know what practices to avoid. 1. Stubbing Stubbing is when a stub is left on the trunk after you cut off a branch. Trees can't heal over these stubs easily, so they tend to rot on the tree — which invites all sorts of pests to feed on the stub and eventually invade the tree. Read More 

Trimming Large Trees: The Guidance Homeowners Need

The smaller the tree, the easier it is to trim. Most people can trim a medium-sized apple tree without much struggle. However, the huge oak tree at the back of your property is another story. Does it even need pruning? How do you know which branches to remove? How can you access a high-up branch that needs to be removed? Discover the answers to these and other questions as you read the tips below. Read More 

Got Problem Trees? Why You Should Schedule Removal For The Winter

If you have problem trees in your yard, you need to plan their removal. You might have decided to remove them during the spring or summer. But, that's not the best decision. Winter is actually the best time to remove problem trees. If you're not sure why that is, look at the information provided below. Here are four reasons you should wait until winter to remove your problem trees. Trees Are Dormant Read More 

Tips For Effectively Spraying Your Fruit Trees

Humans are not the only ones who love fruit. Bugs and fungi like fruit, too, and if you are not careful, they will get to your fruit before you do. The easiest way to prevent these pests from overtaking your fruit trees is to spray those trees with insecticides and fungicides. Here are a few tips to help you do that effectively. 1. Choose one general-purpose spray. You could separately spray your fruit trees with insecticides and fungicides, but it's hard to do this. Read More 

3 Things To Consider When Getting Tree Removal For Your Backyard

As a homeowner, you may like to inspect your property on a regular basis to determine whether anything needs to be done. While checking out your backyard, you may deem that one of the trees is problematic enough that you want to have it removed by professionals. Although you may feel committed to removing the tree, you should consider a few things about its removal. Branches When you remove a tree from your backyard, you can let tree service professionals take everything, including the stump, trunk, and branches. Read More